Welcome to my web site. I primarily use this site to learn new techniques and keep my skills up to date. While I try to keep the site up at all times and use several techiques to provide a fault tolerant experience, the site may still be down from time to time.
One day I will find the time to create a page describing the highly available architecture, a description of the implementation details as well as all of the features of this site that might interest you.
I have many years of experience in three areas: Systems Operation, full stack web development, and C/C++ firmware development.
Most recently, I have been leading a team managing a world-wide ecommerce site using AWS. I can provide services to setup, deploy, maintain, and grow your web services using cost-effective and scalable AWS solutions. I can help you create a test-drive devops operation with continuous integration and development.
I provide a variety of services to implement, deliver, and maintain web sites. Whether you are looking for a simple, informative web site or a sophisticated, interactive site backed by a database and comprehensive analytics, I can develop and deploy a new web site or help you improve an existing one. I can also improve your web visibility with SEO techniques.
I have developed solution in both Ruby on Rails as well as Python on Django.
Finally, I have several years of experience architecting, writing and maintaining C and C++ firmware.
Based in San Diego, California, I can help you with any project anywhere in the world.
Check out my portfolio for a resume, examples of work, and snippets of useful web design. This site also serves as a portfolio of work. Look around the site using the menu navigation in the upper left corner, and let me know what you think.